Announcements for 8/7/16

Please join us this Sunday, August 7th, for a fellowship meal after corporate worship. It will be potluck style, so please consider bringing something to share by clicking on the link below.

August Volunteer Schedule

Below is the schedule for Sand Harbor's volunteer needs for the upcoming month. If you are unable to serve on the date that you are slotted please let Pastor Andrew know or trade with someone for a date that you are available. If you would like to sign up for an available slot just click on the appropriate link.

Nursery: Buffy Napolitano
Set Up: Kevin Hutchinson

Nursery: Jenn Belger
Set Up: Matt Belger
Snacks: Buffy Napolitano

Nursery: Ashley Jacobson
Set Up: Micah Smith
Snacks: Ashley Jacobson

Nursery: Tori Holsinger
Set Up: Tom Flowers
Snacks: available

Quarterly Financial Update

To see an update on the current status of Sand Harbor's finances click on the icon below.

Current Sermon Series

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