Announcements for 5/22/16


Attention Ladies You're Invited to...

A Ladies fellowship brunch that is being co-hosted by Sand Harbor, Grace Presbyterian (Stuart), and Christ the King (Port St. Lucie). 
When: Saturday June 11th at 10:30am
Where: Grace PCA 1875 N.W. Britt Road Stuart, Florida 34994
For more details please talk to Ashley Jacobson or if you would like to help the very pregnant Ashley with the planning of this event you can contact her.

May Volunteer Schedule

Below is the schedule for Sand Harbor's volunteer needs for the month of May. If you are unable to serve on the date that you are slotted please let Pastor Andrew know or trade with someone for a date that you are available. If you would like to sign up for an available slot just click on the appropriate link.

Set Up: Matt Belger            
Nursery: Tori Holsinger      
Snacks:Tori Holsinger

Set Up: Jim Napolitano      
Nursery: Jenn Belger        
Snacks: available

Recommended Resources

Recently, Ashley and I have been reading through Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp as we seek to glorify God in the way that we parent. I cannot recommend this parenting resource highly enough. It is full of biblical and practical wisdom for raising children.

If you want to know more of the stories behind many of the songs that we sing in corporate worship, I recommend Then Sings My Soul: 150 of the World's Greatest Hymn Stories by Robert Morgan. This book offers a brief devotional style look into the events that brought about many of the time tested songs we sing.

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