We are an Evangelical, Reformed, and Presbyterian Church.
As an Evangelical Church:
We believe there is one God who created everything and for whom all things exist. He is an eternal, self-sufficient being who is good, wise, powerful, loving, just, and holy.
We believe in the Trinity; that this one God exists eternally as three beings: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
We believe that God provided an accurate and error free record in the Bible of who he is, what he has done, and how we may have a relationship with him.
We believe all people are born sinners. This means we have a natural bent towards rebellion against God, and are guilty of breaking God’s law and deserving of his punishment.
We believe that because of his great love and mercy, God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to become like us, obey the law for us, and die on the cross for us.
We believe that salvation is a gift of grace through faith alone so that when people trust in Jesus Christ as their savior they are viewed by God as righteous because of Jesus, and are considered "sons of God."
We believe that God has called believers to gather together regularly in order to encourage one another, enjoy fellowship, and worship him.
We believe that God has commissioned believers to communicate the gospel message throughout the whole world so that others may know what God has done in order to save them from their sins and to have a new relationship with them.
We believe that Christ will return in triumph, bringing final judgment upon unrepentant sinners, and then renewing all things so that there is no more death, nor sorrow, nor weeping.
As a Reformed Church:
We believe that God desires us to worship him, and has given us guidelines in Scripture for how to properly worship him.
We believe that God has always had a plan for salvation, and that plan was always to save a people for himself through the work of Jesus Christ. The Bible is a unified message that unfolds the plan of salvation.
We believe that God pursues sinners by grace and that faith and repentance are gifts of grace given by God enabling sinners to trust Christ as their savior.
We are a confessional church that believes the Westminster Confession of Faith is the most accurate summary of the Bible’s system of doctrine.
For a more thorough understanding of our beliefs, please see the Westminster Confession of Faith
As a Presbyterian Church:
We believe that the church is led by a plurality of elders.
We believe that churches ought to be connected to one another for accountability in doctrine and practice.
For more information on our denomination, visit the Presbyterian Church in America.
If you have more questions about what we believe please feel free to contact us.