Announcements for 8/28/16

Join us this Sunday night, August 28th, from 4:30-7pm for an end of summer church picnic at the Gumbo Limbo Pavilion at Carlin Park in Jupiter (click below for directions). We will provide the meat as the main course. If you plan to come would you consider signing up to bring a side dish, dessert, or beverage to share.

Nursery Volunteers Needed

Starting this fall we are going to have 2 volunteers in the nursery at a time. Our nursery is bursting with life (and screams), which is a good thing. But it is too much for only 1 person to handle at a time. Given that reality would you consider, if you aren't already, joining our nursery volunteer rotation. If you are able to serve us in this way, contact Amanda Bruce and let her know that you're willing to join the nursery rotation.

Men's & Women's Fellowship & Book Study

Please join us for a Book study starting this Fall. Both the Women and Men will be going through the book Habits of Grace by David Mathis. You can purchase a copy through Amazon. Or you can download the PDF for free. The Men and Women will rotate meeting on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 at the Jacobson's house (127 Seagrape Dr. #102 Jupiter). To download the Women's meeting and reading schedule click here. To download the Men's meeting and reading schedule click here.

August Volunteer Schedule

Below is the schedule for Sand Harbor's volunteer needs for the month of May. 
If you are unable to serve on the date that you are slotted please let Pastor Andrew know or trade with someone for a date that you are available. If you would like to sign up for an available slot just click on the appropriate link.

Nursery: Tori Holsinger
Set Up: Tom Flowers
Snacks: available

Current Sermon Series

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