LADIES BIBLE STUDY When: Tonight, Wednesday, April 19th from 7:30-9:00 pm Where: Jacobson's House, 127 Seagrape Drive #102 (Click here for directions)
MENS BIBLE STUDY When: Saturday, April 22nd from 7:30-9:00 am Where: Panera Bread, 6671 W Indiantown Rd
Our next monthly evening gathering is Sunday evening, April 23rd, from 5:00-7:00 pm.
These evening gatherings will have 5 components to them: PRAY - we'll gather to pray with and for one another SING - we'll sing, learn to sing, and learn new songs to sing STUDY - we'll have a brief teaching as we work through the Apostles' Creed LORD'S SUPPER- we'll end the formal part of our gathering with the Lord's Supper. EAT - finally, we'll conclude with a fellowship meal together
The theme for the meal will be HOT SANDWICHES. Click on the image below to sign up to bring something to share.
Below is the schedule for Sand Harbor's volunteer needs for this month. If you are unable to serve on the date that you are slotted please contact Pastor Andrew regarding set-up and Amanda Bruce regarding nursery or trade with someone for a date that you are available. If you would like to volunteer to serve please contact Pastor Andrew.
April 23 Set-up: Matt Belger Nursery: Jennifer Morton & Missy Raisis
April 30 Set-up: Jim Napolitano Nursery: Ashley Jacobson & Marine Crile