Announcements for 4/10/16


Corporate Worship Time

This coming Sunday April 10th we will resume our regular gathering time of 10:30am.

Belger & Jacobson Baby Shower

On Saturday, April 23rd, at 10am there will be a combined baby shower for Ashley Jacobson and Jenn Belger hosted at the Bruce’s house: 2015 Bedford Dr. Palm Beach Gardens. Ladies can RSVP with Amanda Bruce: (561)-339-8284.

Grace PCA Bible Conference April 15-17

Grace PCA in Stuart has extended an invitation to us to attend their Spring Bible Conference that will be on the topic of Understanding the Christian Worldview and analyzing other Worldviews in light of it. This conference will be taught by Pastor Dan Dodds. Click here for more details.

April Volunteer Schedule

Below is the schedule for Sand Harbor's volunteer needs for the month of April. If you are unable to serve on the date that you are slotted please let Pastor Andrew know or trade with someone for a date that you are available.

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