Announcements for 2/4/18

WhatFirst Sunday Feast fellowship meal.
When: This Sunday, February 4th, immediately following Corporate Worship.
What to Bring: It will be potluck style, so please consider bringing a main dish, side dish, or dessert. There will be no food sign up or specific food theme, so just bring whatever you'd like, provided it is edible and delicious.
What: Annual Congregational Meeting
When: This Sunday, February 4th, immediately following the First Sunday Feast.
Welcome William Ryle Jacobson
Sand Harbor has a new member of the family! William Ryle Jacobson was born to Ashley and Andrew on January 30th at 3:09 am weighing in at 7lb 7oz.
If you would like to bring the Jacobson's a meal you can sign up by clicking on the image below or emailing Amanda Bruce (
Below is the schedule for Sand Harbor's volunteer needs for this month. If you are unable to serve on the date that you are slotted please contact Pastor Andrew regarding set-up and Amanda Bruce regarding nursery or trade with someone for a date that you are available. If you would like to volunteer to serve please contact Pastor Andrew.
If you would like a printed or digital copy of the latest photo directory please request one from Pastor Andrew.
If you are not yet included in our photo directory and would like to be, please inform Pastor Andrew.
Want to keep up with all the what, when, and where of the upcoming events at Sand Harbor?
Be sure to check out:
If you want to keep up to date or re-listen to a sermon in our current sermon series click here.
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