Announcements for 12/11/16

At our annual congregational meeting this past Sunday we gave an update on our finances to see that report click here.
What: First Annual Cookie Exchange
When: Saturday December 10th from 3:30-5:30pm - Save to Calendar: Google or iCal
Where: Hosted by Penny Holsinger - 17 Saddleback Rd. Tequesta, FL
RSVP: to Penny Holsinger -
If you plan to attend the cookie exchange please send Penny a copy of your cookie recipe so she can put together a recipe book for everyone.
Below is the schedule for Sand Harbor's volunteer needs for this month. If you are unable to serve on the date that you are slotted please contact Pastor Andrew regarding set-up and Amanda Bruce regarding nursery or trade with someone for a date that you are available. If you would like to volunteer to serve please contact Pastor Andrew.
December 11th  
Set-up: Kevin Hutchinson  
Nursery: Tori Holsinger & Debbie Moss
December 18th 
Set-up: Tom Flowers
Nursery: Dawn Odom  & Ashley Jacobson
December 25th 
Set-up: Jim Napolitano
Nursery: Jenn Belger & Carol Brandt
What: In connection with our monthly Sunday evening gathering, we're going to have our annual Christmas party. Please join us for carols, a Christmas devotional, gifts (for the kids of course!), and a meal full of goodies.
When: Sunday, December 18th, 5:00-7:00pm
Where: Church Building 110 Park St.
Want to keep up with all the what, when, and where of the upcoming events at Sand Harbor?
Be sure to check out:
If you want to keep up to date or re-listen to a sermon in our current sermon series through 1 Peter click here.
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