Announcements for 10/16/16

Book: Habits of Grace by David Mathis
Location: Jacobson's house - 127 Seagrape Drive #102 - click here for directions.
Women: Next meeting is this Wednesday, October 12th, from 7-8:30pm. Save to Calendar: Google or iCal
Men: Next meeting is Wednesday, October 19th, from 7-8:30pm. Save to Calendar: Google or iCal

Week 3 Discussion Questions
Our next monthly evening gathering is coming up on October 16th from 5:30-7:30pm.
These evening gatherings will have 4 components to them:
EAT - we'll fellowship around a meal together
PRAY - we'll gather to pray with and for one another
SING - we'll sing, learn to sing, and learn new songs to sing
STUDY - we'll have a brief teaching as we work through the Apostles' Creed
Our first Sunday evening gathering will be September 18th. We hope you'll be able to join us.
The theme for the meal is HOT SANDWICHES. Click below to sign up to bring something to share:
Below is the schedule for Sand Harbor's volunteer needs for this month. If you are unable to serve on the date that you are slotted please contact Pastor Andrew regarding set-up and Amanda Bruce regarding nursery or trade with someone for a date that you are available. If you would like to volunteer to serve please contact Pastor Andrew.
October 16th                 
Nursery: Ashley Jacobson & Tori Holsinger
Set Up: Tom Flowers

October 23rd                 
Nursery: Debbie Moss & Dawn Odom
Set Up: Jim Napolitano

October 30th                 
Nursery: Jennifer Morton & Elicia Flowers
Set Up: Matt Belger
Join us this fall for a time to play games, hang out with friends, make friends, possibly eat too much junk food, and other such adventures. 
When: Friday Oct. 21st from 6-9pm. Save to Calendar: Google or iCal.
Where: TBD
Who: This is primarily aimed at our Upper Elementary to Middle School although we're not legalists (hopefully).
Q's?: If you have any questions feel free to contact Pastor Andrew
Want to keep up with all the what, when, and where of the upcoming events at Sand Harbor?
Be sure to check out:
If you want to keep up to date or re-listen to a sermon in our current sermon series through 1 Peter click here.
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