Mark 14:32-42 - The Agony of Gethsemane
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Song of Adoration
Piano: Amalia Rimes; Vocals: Ashley Jacobson
Song of Thanksgiving
Piano: Amalia Rimes, Guitar: Noah Smith, Violin: Chloe Smith, Vocals: Anna Smith and Ashley Jacobson
Song of Response
Closing Song
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P.O. Box 3187 Tequesta, FL 33469
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Hope in the Midst of Hopelessness / Revelation 6:1-17
True Discipleship / John 6:60-71
Jesus Casts Out Legion / Mark 5:1-20
Feasting at the Lord's Supper / 1 Corinthians 11:23-28
Work Out Your Salvation / Philippians 2:12-18
This week we had the privilege of welcoming Gavin Felix to the pulpit. Gavin is the Church Planting Resident at Spanish River in Boca Raton.
Pure and Sincere Devotion to Christ / 2 Corinthians 11:1-15
Mike Brunjes is a native South Floridian who now lives Wallingford, CT. He is married to April and they have three children Lily (8), Magnolia (4), and Haddon (1). Mike earned a Master of Divinity Degree at Knox Theological Seminary and served as an Assistant Pastor in Florida for 5 years before moving to Wallingford, CT. The Brunjes, in partnership with Christ Presbyterian Church New Haven, are planting a new church in Wallingford.
James 5:11 / When Suffering Raises Questions
This Sunday we welcomed Pastor Jeremy McKeen to our pulpit. Jeremy is the pastor of Truth Point PCA in West Palm Beach. Truth Point is part of the Gulfstream Presbytery along with Sand Harbor.
Psalm 107 / Jeff Lee
This sermon was preached by Pastor Jeff Lee, who is a campus minister at Florida Atlantic University.