"No Home Like Christ" by J.C. Ryle

No home like Christ! In Him there is room for all, and room for all sorts.
None are unwelcome guests and visitors, and none are refused admission. The door is always open, and never locked. The best robe, the fatted calf, the ring, and the shoes are always ready for all comers. What though in time past you have been the vilest of the vile, a servant of sin, an enemy of all righteousness, a Pharisee of Pharisees, a Sadducee of Sadducees, a tax collector of tax collectors? It matters nothing: there is yet hope. All sins may be pardoned, forgiven, and forgotten. There is a home and refuge where your soul may be admitted this very day. That home is Christ. "Come to Me," He cries: "Knock and the door will be opened to you." [Matthew 11:28; 7:7]
No home like Christ! In Him there is boundless and unwearied mercy for all, even after admission.
None are rejected and cast out again after probation, because they are too weak and bad to stay. Oh no! Whom He receives, those He always keeps. Where He begins, there He brings to a good end. Whom He admits, them He at once fully justifies. Whom He justifies, them He also sanctifies. Whom He sanctifies, them He also glorifies. No hopeless characters are ever sent away from His house. No men or women are ever found to be too bad to heal and renew. Nothing is to hard for Him to do who made the world out of nothing. He who is Himself the Home, has said it, and will guarantee it: "Whoever comes to me I will never drive away." [John 6:37]
No home like Christ! In Him there is unchanging kindness, patience, and gentle dealing for all.
He is not "a harsh man," but "gentle and humble in heart." [Matthew 11:29] None who applys to Him are ever treated roughly, or made to feel that their company is not welcome. A feast of the best foods is always provided for them. The Holy Spirit is placed in their hearts, and dwells in them as in a temple. Leading, guiding, and instruction are daily provided for them. If they sin, they are brought back into the right way, if they fall, they are raised again; if they sin willfully, they are disciplined to make them better. For the rule of the whole house is love.
No home like Christ! In Him there is no change.
From the youngest to the eldest He loves all who come to Him, and is never tired of doing good to them. Earthly homes, I am sorry to say, are full of fickleness and uncertainty. Favor is deceitful. Courtesy and civility are often on men's lips, while inwardly they are weary of your company and wish you were you gone. You seldom know how long your presence is welcome, to what extent your friends really care to see you. But it is not so with Christ. "He is the same yesterday and today and forever." [Hebrews 13:8]
No home like Christ! Communion once begun with Him will never be broken off.
Once joined to the Lord by faith, you are joined to Him for an endless eternity. Earthly homes always come to an end sooner or later: the precious old furniture is sold and dispersed; the dear old heads of the family are gathered to their fathers; the dear old nest is pulled to pieces. But it is not so with Christ. Faith will in time be swallowed up in sight: hope will at last be changed into certainty. We will one day see with our eyes, and no longer need to believe. We will be moved from the lower chamber to the upper, and from the outer court to the Holy of Holies. But once in Christ, we will never be out of Christ. Once let our name be placed in the Lamb's book of life, and we belong to a home which will continue forevermore.

From “Our Home” by J.C. Ryle: https://www.biblebb.com/files/ryle/pr17.htm
