What is Family Worship and Why is it Important?

The great commentator and puritan Matthew Henry had this to say about the importance and blessing of family worship:

A church in the house will be a good legacy, nay, it will be a good inheritance, to be left to your children after you. Reason directs us to consult the welfare of posterity, and to lay up in store a good foundation for those that shall come after us to build upon: and we cannot do this better than by keeping up religion in our houses. A family altar [gathered family worship] will be the best entail; your children will for this rise up and call you blessed, and it may be hoped they will be praising God for you, and praising God like you, here on earth, when you are praising him in heaven.

If family worship is a new, unfamiliar, or intimidating topic, then take some time to listen to Pastor Jason Helopolous give a wonderful introduction to the topic: