What Is Presbyterian Church Government?

Have you ever wondered (or been confused about) what it means to be a part of a “presbyterian” church? In part, to be presbyterian means that we have a unique form of church government. Below is a video that explains presbyterian church government in a very simple and concise way:

Here is another video in which fellow PCA pastor Sean Michael Lucas briefly explains the biblical basis of presbyterian church government:

If you like charts as much as I do, perhaps this chart on PCA church government will be even more clarifying for you:

This was put together by my friend and seminary classmate Steve Johnson.

This was put together by my friend and seminary classmate Steve Johnson.

If this is something that you are interested in exploring further, I would recommend What Is Church Government? by Sean Michael Lucas, which is a short booklet on the topic. Or if you’re really interested in digging into this, you can read How Jesus Runs the Church by Guy Prentiss Waters, which is a book length treatment of the topic.