Sand Harbor Reopening plan
Phase 1: The “Not Quite Open” Phase
This phase will go into effect on Monday, May 18th.
Corporate Worship Gathering Remains Cancelled.
Sermon and Service will continue to be posted online.
Small Group gatherings can re-start at the discretion of the leaders and participants involved.
Bible Discussion Groups
Youth Group
We encourage you, as you are comfortable, to practice hospitality among the body to re-engage in face-to-face relationships.
Have a coffee on the porch.
Invite another family over for a meal.
Also, consider inviting another family over on Sunday to do “at home” worship with you.
Phase 2: The “Open…Kind Of” Phase
This phase will go into effect on June 1st - Lord Willing
Corporate Worship Gathering Resumes on June 7th…
With the Following Modifications:
We will only be having the service and nursery.
No Sunday School
No Fellowship Meal
No Communion
No Passing of Offering Plate
No Congregational Meeting
For this to happen we will need to have ready and willing volunteers:
If you’re willing to help with Set-Up and Take-Down please contact Micah Smith
If you’re willing to help with Cleaning the Church before and after service please contact Pastor Andrew
If you’re willing to help serve in the Nursery please contact Amanda Bruce
The Sermon and Service will continue to be posted online for those who are not comfortable or healthy enough to be in a larger gathering.
As you consider returning to Corporate Worship please keep this in mind:
If you have a compromised immune system or underlying health conditions and feel that as a matter of wisdom and conscience you should refrain from attending we support you in that decision. You are certainly welcome to attend but we understand if you don’t. Know that you’ll be missed.
If you are not feeling well, please stay home to rest and recover. We will post the Sermon and Service online so that you won’t miss out on anything.
Remember to wash your hands thoroughly. We will do our best to ensure that we have enough soap and hand sanitizer to go around.
We will make sure that the nursery is properly wiped down and sanitized before Service starts.
Phase 3: The “Open…For Real” Phase
This phase will go into effect on July 1st - Lord Willing
Return to “Normal” church schedule and monthly routine.
Communion can resume
Fellowship Lunch can resume
Congregational Meeting will take place
Prayer Meeting will resume
Sunday School can resume
We will continue to observe proper health and hygiene protocols
A Pastoral Plea for Charity and Unity
Be gracious toward those who have viewed and responded to this pandemic differently than you did:
If you were extra cautious and took very conservative measures, don’t look down on others who didn’t take the same measures you did.
If you viewed the mitigation measures that were taken as unnecessary and overreaching, don’t look down on others who didn’t take the same view you did.
Let’s seek unity with our brothers and sisters even amidst our differences.