How Can I Explain the Gospel to Others?

Have you ever thought to yourself “I wish I was better at evangelism…I wish I was better equipped to share the Gospel with my unbelieving family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.” I echo that sentiment in my own heart on a regular basis. I grew up in a Christian home, attended church all my life, and have been in Bible college, seminary, or a church setting on a full-time basis for over a decade, so I am comfortable around Christian’s and uncomfortable around non-Christian’s. This is something I need to work on because I am not naturally or easily driven this way. One thing that I have found helpful in being better equipped to share the Gospel with someone is learning a Gospel-presentation tool, that clearly and concisely explains the central message of the Christian faith. Below are two Gospel-presentation tools that I have found most helpful.

Two Ways to Live

3…2…1…The Story of God, the World, and You