From Cradle to Cross to Crown

I wrote this poem one Christmas as I was meditating on Philippians 2:5-11:

He inhabited heaven surrounded with praise,

without beginning, the endless of days

by nature God, second person of the Trinity

the Immortal, the Invisible, robed in divinity.

Yet all the prerogatives and privileges of glory,

He laid aside to inhabit humanities story.

A story that is filled with a darkness most grim,

but lo He comes to shine light upon them.

How He came is still shrouded in mystery,

One might call it the great miracle of history.

Even more marvelous was the way that He came:

It wasn’t the entrance of a person of fame,

It wasn’t the arrival of one who is King,

Nor of the one who owns everything.

This is the part that should leave us floored

The One we call Master, Savior, and Lord

Entered this world through the womb of a lady

God the Son actually became a baby.

The unmade Maker went through gestation

and was born in a very humble location.

Born with the animals, their stink and their stank,

He came to be a servant of most lowly rank.

He was found by Shepherds sleeping in a manger

His appearance was that of any other stranger.

That birth in the stable is where Hope begins,

there lies the One who’ll save us from our sins.

The place of the cradle is only the start

A mission to suffer lies at the heart

The cradle was destined to lead to the cross

As He has come to seek and save the lost.

He was obedient to the point of death

Honoring His Father with every breath.

His resolve: “Father glorify your Name”

Brought him at last to a cross of shame.

But even the cross gave way to the crown.

as death was unable to keep this King down.

His Father raised Him exalted Him high,

And one day every tongue will His Name magnify.

Our Lord went from cradle to cross to crown,

So let us before Him worship and bow down!