Digging Deeper into William Tyndale

This past Sunday, which we affectionately call “Reformation Sunday,” I continued a tradition of highlighting the life of a person who God used to bring about Reformation to the church. This year I focused on William Tyndale, who many consider to be not only the father of the english reformation but of Bible translation as well. So throughout the year leading up to Reformation Sunday I have been reading books, listening to lectures, and watching documentaries about William Tyndale in order to understand him, his times, and how God used him.

For your own study and benefit I thought I would share with you the resources that I found most encouraging and helpful:

If you want to read from William Tyndale

If you want to read on William Tyndale

If you want to listen to something on William Tyndale

If you want to watch something on William Tyndale

If you want something for your kids on William Tyndale